Imagine a world
with zero code blue calls.
Get real-time patient insights to predict and preempt code blues before they happen.
How to prevent code blues before they happen.
Did you know that only 1 in 5 people survive after they suffer cardiac or respiratory arrest? EarlyWarning helps predict when patients are about to deteriorate into code blue, allowing it to be prevented before it happens. It also alerts and orchestrates workflows between nurses, doctors and code teams. That means hospitals can save more lives, decrease costly ICU stays and reduce the rate of readmission.
key features
EarlyWarning helps your care teams do more, with less stress and fewer errors.
- Vitals capture
- HEWS calculation and audit
- Nurse code call and management
- Intelligent alerts and alarm management
- Closed loop communications
Failure to recognize patient
deterioration is a significant issue for
acute care hospitals. The use of early
warning scores that track abnormal
vital signs is a strategy to recognize
the unwell patient. In collaboration
with ThoughtWire, our hospital has
harnessed the power of our electronic
health record to alert health care
professionals in a timely manner. This
has led to reduced cardiac arrests
and unplanned intensive care unit
- Alison Fox-Robichaud,
BSc, MSc, MD, FRCPC (Int Med, Crit Care) and Director of Medical Education, Project Lead HEWS, Hamilton Health Sciences