Building optimization made easy.
Building optimization means having relevant data at your fingertips, systems that tune themselves and control over everything.
PrecisionHub gives building and facility managers visibility into a building’s end-to-end operations, plus complete command and control over operations. That means you can optimize operations and tenant experience in real-time and take preemptive or remote actions
- Building Operations KPI Dashboard
- Floorplan Visualization
- Occupancy Analytics
- Root Cause analysis
- Fault Detection and Alerting
- Energy Management and Optimization
- Automated Provisioning
- Security and Safety Management
Get real-time information about energy usage, tenant provisioning and operational workflows. Increase visibility with a Digital Twin of your building's operations to add context across your subsystems and workflows.
Connect directly with smart cities or with other buildings across your portfolio. Unlock the value of portfolio-wide collaboration, benchmark performance and connect indoor spaces with outside infrastructure like first responders or city engineers.
Monitor the building remotely, know about problems before they occur and take action from anywhere. Respond faster to events with context-rich information and recommended actions.
Automate processes like tenant onboarding, emergency lockdown and load shedding to streamline actions and reduce latency in response. See savings in time, costs and energy.
Collaborate with building staff, operators and cleaners in real-time. Make building operations efficient and effective by aligning teams with a single source of truth.
Don't merely automate workflows, but also uncover previously 'unknowable' information, like the impacts of occupant behavior on building operations. Always in real-time. Discover the root cause of common alerts or overtime and allow building subsystems to self-tune to find an optimal state.